Archive by Author

30 Life Principles by Charles Stanley

29 Oct

I love journaling for lots of reasons and one of them is that journaling allows me to become much more aware of what God is doing. This morning, the Holy Spirit led me serendipitously to a blog post I wrote back on April 11, 2007 called “The 30 Life Principles.” As his very first life […]

Sunday Morning Inspirations: Jubilee – Are You Ready?

24 Oct

In his two-part video teaching, Craig Hill gives historical and biblical background and understanding into the world’s economy. Through this revelation, you will see how the cycles of economy are misunderstood by many believers and how the enemy uses this to enslave God’s people. Once you understand what Jubilee is all about, you will want […]

Free video relay for “God’s Vision For Coaching” is available through Oct 4

01 Oct

The free audio and video replays for the “God’s Vision For Coaching” webinar are now available online for free for 72 hours. After spending 10-12 hours carefully editing and improving the audio and video for this webinar, I feel this was one of the most powerful and practical webinars we have done in the Visions777 […]

The Forbes Center For the Performing Arts

27 Sep

What role do the performing arts play in your life and in your community? Yesterday was my pastor’s birthday and my mother’s birthday. Matt preached an outstanding heart-to-heart message called “Stop Praying” directly from the Father’s heart through his heart to our hearts. Afterwards, Julia (my wife) and I had the privilege to honor my […]

You’re invited to today’s extraordinary webinar “God’s Vision For The Arts”

23 Sep

You’re invited to today’s extraordinary webinar “God’s Vision For The Arts.” Our first speaker, Akiane Kramarik, is an internationally recognized child prodigy artist. Our second speaker, Max Greiner Jr, is a world renown sculptor. And our third speaker, James Nesbit, founder of Prepare the Way Ministries, is one of the leading prophetic artists in the […]

Are you going to pass the Gideon water test?

22 Sep

Who invited you to the Visions777 12-week, 24-webinar series? Was it me, someone else, or the Holy Spirit? From my perspective, journaling frequently and tuning to W-GOD, I feel confident in saying it was the Holy Spirit. So what difference does that make? In your life? In your family? In your work? In your communication? […]