The Spiritual Significance of 07-07-07

12 Mar

The number “777” represents Jesus!

Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. (Revelations 4:5)

What are you going to do with the uncommon revelations shared today?

Biblical numerology is the study of numbers in the Bible. Two of the most commonly repeated numbers in the Bible are 7 and 40. The number 7 signifies completion or perfection (Genesis 7:2-4; Revelation 1:20). It is often called “God’s number” since He is the only One who is perfect and complete (Revelation 4:5; 5:1, 5-6). 40 is often understood as the “number of probation or trial.”

In my devotionals for March 6-9, I shared a sequence of progressive miracles to shed light on the spiritual significance of the upcoming 07-07-07 (July 7, 2007).

I had an awesome start to the 2007 year. My wife and I honored my parents by spending New Year’s Eve with them for the first time in many years. On January 1, I woke up at 4:20 AM and lay in bed for 40 minutes, listening for the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. I received 3 instructions, all resulting in substantial financial savings.

When my parent’s grandfather clock sounded at 5:00 AM, I immediately got up and went to their sunroom. I knelt down and began thanking God for what He had done in the past day. Within 30 seconds, I was overcome by the presence of God. After singing two songs to God that the Holy Spirit gave me last year, I asked for a new song “Be Still,” my theme verse for 2007. The Holy Spirit gave that to me within 15 minutes.

After opening my Bible to begin reading, I asked the Holy Spirit where He wanted me to start. His answer: “Start in the beginning with Genesis since this is the beginning of a new year.”

I carefully began reading Genesis, this time writing down how old each person was when they died and how long they lived. I was amazed to discover that Lamech, Noah’s father, was 56 years old when Adam died. Just like we often repeat stories about favorite things of our past, Adam must have frequently told stories about the Garden of Eden.

Clearly, the opportunity existed for Lamech to hear first-hand stories about the Garden of Eden from Adam and then pass those stories along to Noah. I often wandered why Noah had such tremendous faith to sustain him while he built a huge ark in the middle of dry land over a century.

For more than a year, I had been praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal to me what is to take place on 07-07-07. Immediately when I saw that Lamech lived 777 years, that number jumped out from the Bible. The Holy Spirit told me President Bush is to publically invite Jesus to be LORD of America on 07-07-07, like Lt. Governor Duke Aiona did for Hawaii in 2005. Two days later, I got a call from Patti May, a total stranger, and learned she has a close personal friend who is a close personal friend of President Bush.

Just as the number 666 represents Satan, the number 777 represents Jesus. And 07-07-07 happens to take place during the same year (2007) we celebrate America’s 400th Anniversary in Virginia.

On January 2, I discovered that Abraham was 64 years old when Noah died. So the father of the Jewish and Christian faiths had the opportunity to hear accurate stories about the Garden of Eden too.

Prayer Power
O Holy Spirit, soul of our souls, open our eyes of understanding to Your spiritual truths. Stir the hearts of men and women compelling them to uncommon prayer, obedience, and action. Begin with me LORD. Work out the circumstances for President Bush to watch the Transformation Hawaii section of the Harvest Evangelism DVD. Thank You Jesus. We praise and bless Your holy Name!

Link of the Day
What is Biblical numerology? []

Blessings for uncommon revelations, prayer, and action!