Preaching With Passion

21 Nov

Only what happens to us can happen through us!

“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (John 12:21b)

Do you share Jesus with passion and the power of God?
If not, what can you do to facilitate that?

Yesterday, Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie came to Culpeper and shared power-packed messages on two separate occasions. From Noon – 2 PM, a group of 60 pulpit and marketplace ministers gathered at the restaurant adjacent to the Best Western to hear him share a message about preaching for passion.

Then at 6:45 PM, about 500 people gathered at Culpeper Baptist Church for our annual community Thanksgiving service. To my knowledge, this was the largest gathering ever for this event. Dr. Ogilvie preached another great message titled “Aptitude, Altitude, and Attitude of Gratitude.” Visit today’s Link of the Day to see photos.

When it comes to preaching, Dr. Ogilvie is one of the best. In February 1996, he was recognized by Baylor University in a worldwide survey as one of the 12 most effective preachers in the English-speaking world. Included on the list, in which seven denominations are represented, are Rev. Billy Graham and Dr. John Stott.

Here are some points that Dr. Ogilvie made in his “Preaching for Passion” message yesterday:

“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (John 12:21) This is the basis for preaching with passion – to help people see Jesus, the true and living God.

The Greek word for passion actually means suffering.
Only what happens to us can happen through us!
We have a great need for Christ and a great Christ for our needs! – Charles Spurgeon
To preach with passion takes one hour in the study for every minute in the pulpit.
The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God.
Listen to what your congregation wants and needs.
Preach as if never to preach again.
With preaching, Christianity stands or falls.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for the profound impact that Dr. Ogilvie had on the Culpeper community yesterday. Thank You for the good turnouts. Thank You for uniting the hearts of pulpit and marketplace ministers at the luncheon. May the rich seeds that were planted bear much eternal fruit. Deepen the relationships our pastors have with You. May they desire to spend much more time in Your presence so they can help many more people see Jesus. May our pastors come together on a weekly basis with one another to pray and hold one another accountable. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Photos from luncheon with Dr. Ogilvie and community Thanksgiving service

Blessings to know Him and make Him known!