Fostering a Good Work Ethic in Your Children

16 Apr

“Kids need to give back to the family.” – Kevin Leman

How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. (Proverbs 16:16)

Are you rearing your kids in a home or a hotel?
How do I get my kid to help around the home more?

My devotional on April 8 mentioned how Jerry  Graham’s Daily Gram titled “The Big Mo” led me to the outstanding video message by Darcy & Tim Kimmel titled “Godly Advice to Get the Romance Back in Your Marriage.” Tim is President of Family Matters []. The tail end of the Kimmel’s GodTube video mentioned

Yesterday morning I was pasting notes from the past two weeks into my spiritual journal. While doing that, I came across the link to and decided to visit that website. I was impressed immediately and decided to click on “10 Terrific Tips for Raising Great Kids.” There I discovered 10 short, outstanding videos about raising great kids.

In the first video titled “Foster Good Work Ethics,” Kevin Leman shares some profound life lessons for raising responsible kids. He begins, “Here’s the question of the day: Are you rearing your kids in a home or a hotel? You know, most people rear their kids in hotels. What do I mean by that? They give them room service, food service, and very little is expected of them. Kids need to contribute to the home. They need to give back to the home. Every child from the time they are 3 and up can contribute to the family.

Kevin goes on to ask, “What can a 3 year old do?” Then he gives some concrete examples. Later, Kevin explains “As kids get older, they need to have bigger and bigger responsibilities. The idea is make sure the kids understand this principle that no member of the family is more important than the family. Everyone pitches in.”

Be blessed and bless your children and grandchildren by watching the video at today’s Link of the Day and sharing that with others.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for the website and the 10 outstanding videos teaching simple principles to raising great kids. Help parents and grandparents who read this message and watch the video to apply these principles in raising and mentoring their own children and grandchildren. Thank You Jesus. Amen and hallelujah!

Link of the Day
10 Terrific Tips for Raising Great Kids – click on “Foster Good Work Ethics”

Blessings to apply Kevin’s principles to raise responsible kids!

10 Terrific Tips for Raising Great Kids