Sunday Inspiration: The power of forgiveness and team (unity)

20 May

The power of forgiveness

Are you struggling to forgive someone?

If so, how can you get past that?

On May 9, I experienced one of the worst spiritual attacks of my life damaging an important relationship and leaving me with deep wounds. In response to that, several members of our Founding Father’s Master’s Mind Marketing (MMM) tribe gathered around me to support, encourage, protect, and advise me. Without them, I don’t know what I would have done.

Over the next few days, God went to work quickly and in amazing ways to encourage me and help me heal. The graduation celebration at Messiah College on May 12 really ministered to me.

On May 14, one of my friends sent me a link to a video of a baby water buffalo in Africa being attacked first by lions and then by crocodiles. I felt like the baby buffalo. This is the most amazing video I have ever seen in my life demonstrating the power of a team (unity). Enjoy.

And to top things off, God healed the broken relationship in just one week. I wouldn’t have believed that was possible had I not experienced the miracle of forgiveness myself.

Here are some powerful words of wisdom shared with me by another friend earlier this week:

It seems unfair – even outrageous – to us to be sometimes misunderstood and even suspected or rejected.

The miracle of forgiveness is that understanding comes later – after the decision to forgive has been made.

On May 17 after taking a 2 hour nap in mid-afternoon, I heard in my spirit “Love keeps no record of wrongs.” That led me to research the Peacemaker’s Pledge online, including The Four Promises of Forgiveness. I am going to be praying for God’s help in applying these.

The Four Promises of Forgiveness (Matt. 6:12; 1 Cor. 13:5; Eph. 4:32)

  • I will not dwell on this incident.
  • I will not bring this incident up and use it against you.
  • I will not talk to others about this incident.
  • I will not allow this incident to stand between us or hinder our personal relationship

Blessings to experience the power of forgiveness and apply the four promises of forgiveness!

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