Sunday Inspiration: How to be in the presence of God 24/7
Practicing the presence of God
enabling or empowering you to be and to do,
ALL that He called you to be,
ALL that He called you to do.
Yesterday morning while lying in bed resting and reflecting in a semi-alpha state, I had many godly spontaneous thoughts flowing through my mind.
When Maui, my dog and God alarm clock, got me up at 5:35 am, I immediately went to my office computer to journal. As I was doing that, I was prompted to quickly check my email. An email from Mark Henley titled “Dennis & Dr. Jen Clark – Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural” grabbed my attention, so I decided to watch that video during my morning quiet time.
WOW, WOW, WOW is my reaction to watching that video.
This is the best video I have ever seen explaining how to “Live in the presence and supernatural peace of God 24/7!”
How to be in the presence of God 24/7

After you watch this video, please share your thoughts on my blog.
Not only will Dennis explain where the Spirit of God dwells within you, but he also reveals a profound mystery on how to live in forgiveness.
More blessings
1) GoD and DoG by Wendy Francisco (2 minute video)
2) A Word From the Lord About Election 2012 by Kenneth Copeland

Blessings to receive and share this extraordinary blessing from above!
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