Sunday Inspiration: How can you be more effective?

06 May

Be more effective

Dear friend,

Recently, I have had privilege of participating in several different Master’s Mind Marketing (MMM) tribes each week.

On Tuesday May 1, during our MMM meeting for the Global Apostolic Prayer Network (GAPN), Pastor Mark Henderson shared a powerful vision he had after asking “LORD, what can I do to be more effective?” Mark is the pastor of Glory House in Austin Texas.

In response to his question, Mark saw the LORD stretch out his hand, lift up one finger, and say “TIME.” Then the LORD lifted a second finger and said “FOCUS”. Finally, the LORD raised a third finger and saying “ORGANIZATION.”

That really resonated with me and every day since I have thought about this.

So TIME, FOCUS, and ORGANIZATION are three simple ways you and I can be more effective.

My question to you is “What will you do differently as a result of knowing this?

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for sharing this simple, yet profound message. Help me to apply this to my life to be more effective. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

More Blessings

1) WFJ: I love it when you pray My Word back to Me

2) Strategic Relocation: North American Guide To Safe Places

Blessings to be a good steward with your time, to be focused, and to be organized!

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