Empowering Christian Women
“INSPIRING & ENCOURAGING Women to Live a VICTORIOUS LIFE in Christ” – mission for Empowering Christian Women
“So if the Son sets you FREE, you will be FREE INDEED. ~ John 8:36 NIV
Who do you know who is looking for great resources to be empowered?
Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege to speak for the first time to Karla Meachem, founder of “Empowering Christian Women.” In less than two months, Karla has had a major impact on my life and ministry. Because of Karla’s obvious love for Jesus, the Holy Spirit prompted me on several occasions recently to contact her to learn more about her dreams and goals and discover how I might be able to help her fulfill those.
Karla lives in small town (300 people) in Saskatchewan Canada (north of North Dakota). She was one of the first 30-50 people I connected to on Twitter. Her Twitter background (“Focus on Christ”) and tweets prompted me to check out the people she was following. That in turn led me to follow many of her contacts which led to lots of great connections. Of my 468 followers on Twitter, Karla is one of my favorite ones. Karla’s bold stand for Jesus encouraged me to be more bold in the Relationship Marketing (Web 2.0) arena.
After Karla and I got connected on Twitter, she began subscribing to Your Daily Blessing and inviting others to do so. I noticed she often clicked through hyperlinks I shared. As I saw her name pop up in my various reports, I prayed for her often. Clearly she has passion for others to come to know the love of Jesus.
Without me ever asking her to do so, Karla signed up for the JIREH Marketing Bronze Membership. She chose to sow a financial seed into God’s billion soul vision and become part of God’s Team Destiny. Since favor is proportional to God’s assignment, I believe Karla has stepped into a new place of great favor.
For several weeks (or perhaps longer), the Holy Spirit has been telling me over and over to start my own BlogTalkRadio show. While I wrote down to do that several times in my journal, somehow I kept allowing other things to distract me. While talking to Karla, the Holy Spirit told me to ask Karla for permission to interview her next week (Dec 2-4) on internet radio. She agreed. Thank You Jesus!
This morning I strongly sensed God wants Karla to be the very first person I interview on BlogTalkRadio. God is not only going to use Karla as a catalyst to help me launch a world-wide radio ministry, but for many others in my network and hers as well. Wow! It’s amazing what God can do through one person who is faithful to him.
Incidentally, Karla has plans to soon launch two new blogs, one to empower Christian men and another to empower Christian kids. If you want to connect to the shakers and movers on the web, Karla is definitely one of them. For my followers who are looking for resources to be empowered, I encourage you to subscribe to Karla’s awesome blog. For those who want to follow Karla on Twitter, her user name is karlameachem.
By the way, in tomorrow’s message for Thanksgiving Day, I’ll be sharing photos and highlights from yesterday’s Culpeper Community Thanksgiving Service. That was awesome. On Friday, November 28, the message will be “Where Are They?” – referring to the lack of authentic Christian blogs. That title comes from the latest blog post by Heather, one of Karla’s friends who is honoring Jesus in her struggle with brain cancer.
Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for Karla Meachem and her love for You. Thank You for the way you are using an ordinary mom to do extraordinary things through the power of prayer and the web. Thank You that Karla is moving to a new place of great favor with You and man. Grant her the desires of her heart. In any areas of her life where she is struggling, help her to break through. Thank You Jesus. Amen and hallelujah!
Blessings to be inspired and encouraged to live a VICTORIOUS LIFE in Christ!

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