The Life You’ve Always Wanted

15 Oct

Love and hurry are incompatible.

But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?  (Romans 9:20-21)

How do you start living the life you’ve always wanted?
What does that life look like?

For the past few months, the Holy Spirit has kept giving me a word over and over – that word is “closure.” What God starts, He will finish. God doesn’t leave loose ends. He comes full circle. He is the Alpha and the Omega. God simultaneously knows the beginning and the end.

The very first devotional I wrote on July 1, 2006 was titled “An Unhurried Life.” In that, I talked about “The Life You’ve Always Wanted,” John Ortberg’s book about spiritual disciplines for ordinary people. From this book, I received my #1 life lesson in the past 7 years – “To be spiritually healthy, you must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” That is a lesson God wants me to share with the world.

God keeps reminding me over and over to “be still.”  For example, on December 29, 2006, the Holy Spirit gave me my theme verse for all of 2007 – “Be still” (Psalm 46:10a). Many of my devotional topics have to do with the theme of eliminating busyness from your life – critical to healthy relationships. Last week, Soul Purpose Church [], the church I attend, began a six week small group series using John Ortberg’s teaching materials for “The Life You’ve Always Wanted.”

Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be sharing frequent messages from this teaching series. For now, be aware of the titles for the six major sections because this will serve as a framework to peg (i.e. organize in your mind) what’s coming.

1) It’s “Morphing” Time
2) Slowing Down & Celebrating
3) Praying & Confessing
4) Meditating on Scripture and Seeking Guidance
5) Practicing Servanthood, Finding Freedom
6) Going the Distance With a Well-Ordered Heart

Prayer Power
Loving Father, I hear You saying, “Be still! Be still! I am about to do a mighty work. Watch and behold My glory.” As a leader called to serve other leaders, I know You expect me to model behaviors and fruit that You desire to see in others. Help me put the brakes on in my own life to be all You’ve called me to be. Empower me to empower others. Grant me the wisdom, opportunities, and favor to assemble a team to coach tens of thousands of leaders to slow down and use the web to magnify their impact 10-100 fold each year. Thank You Jesus. To You be all glory, honor, and praise, now and forever. Amen.

Link of the Day
John Piper – Early Days: Learning to Love God’s Sovereignty – 4 minute You Tube video

Blessings to make daily choices that lead you to the life you’ve always wanted!

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