The Law of the Lid

15 Aug

Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness!

“And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent.” (Exodus 33:8, NIV)

Leadership ability is always the lid on an individual, family, or organization. If the leadership is strong, the lid is high. Conversely, if leadership is weak the lid is low. That’s why it’s so important for leaders to continue to grow personally.

Here are 8 principles of effective leadership
1) Leadership always shows. Leaders cannot hide. (E.g. Ronald Reagan)
2) Effective leaders are change agents; they change their environment.
3) Ineffectiveness always results in loss of leadership.
4) Noble goals and hard work are important, but they do not, in of themselves, make a good leader.
5) Being a nice person, although important, cannot make one a leader.
6) Effective leaders adapt.
7) Popularity is not a substitute for leadership.
8) Honesty, although necessary, is not a substitute for leadership.

Effective leaders are trustworthy, have good relational skills, delegate, surround themselves with a good team, communicate well, remain available, are decisive, and have discernment. Trust is a leader’s most valuable asset.

Do you have a plan of how to grow your effectiveness?
Do you have mentors in your life to coach you to be a more effective leader?

Prayer Power
Father, thank You for the Bible, the best leadership training manual ever. Thank You for my Christian accountability partners who coach me to be a better leader. Thank you for all the wonderful books, audio messages, radio programs, TV shows, Internet sites, and other types of media available to help leaders grow. Bless those reading this message with a desire to know You and Your wisdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Your Daily Blessing News
Much of the content above comes from James’ Garlow’s book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Tested by Time.”