The Hurt of Unanswered Prayer (TBNTP)

10 Oct

When the request is right, the timing is right, and you are right, God says “Go!”

You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. (James 4:3)

Are you committed to praising God regardless of the circumstances of your life?

Many people are troubled because their prayers aren’t being answered. Why would an all-loving, all powerful God deny valid requests from faithful believers?

If the request is wrong, God says, “No.”
If the timing is wrong, God says, “Slow.”
If you are wrong, God says, “Grow.”
But if the request is right, the timing is right, and you are right, God says “Go!”

Sometimes we make inappropriate requests. While few of us would do this intentionally, God weighs our motives. The most famous wrong request is this: “O God, please change the other person.” Wives make that about husbands, husbands about wives, parents about children, employees about bosses.

Sometimes we seek our glory, not God’s. Before bringing a request to the LORD, ask: “If God granted this request, would it bring glory to Him? Would it advance His kingdom? Would it help people? Would it help me grow spiritually?”

Trust our Father. God is no more intimidated by childish demands for instant gratification than wise parents are. Sometimes God delays in order to test out faith. Sometimes God delays so that we can modify our requests. Sometimes God delays so that we can develop character traits such as endurance, trust, patience, and submission.

By forcing us to look closely at our requests, prayer can purify us. When we conclude that our motives have been wrong, we can say, “Lord, forgive me. Help me grow. Help me present requests that are in line with your will.”

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, I praise You as a personal God, who loves me dearly, knows everything about me, and has an eternal perspective. Thank You for the many times you say “No,” “Slow,” and “Grow” to my prayer requests to protect me and others. Forgive me for my selfish prayer requests. Thank You for Your promise that “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). May I love You always. Bless those who read this message to praise You through both the good times and the trials of their lives. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Lynne Baab, author of A Renewed Spirituality

Blessings to praise God always!