The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family

26 Dec

There are no perfect families!

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. (Ephesians 5:1)

Do you have a happy family?

One of the many benefits of preparing these daily devotionals is that I must be intentional about looking for good links to bless families. While preparing the devotional for December 24, I stumbled across HomeWord [], a great organization with a fantastic website to bless families. Today’s message comes directly from Jim Burns, President of HomeWord. For an explanation of each of the ten principles below, be sure to visit the Link of the Day. 

Most parents are doing a good job of parenting – but don’t realize it.  All parents should understand that there are no perfect families.  I know for sure that mine isn’t!  Likewise, there is no perfect parenting method. Still, my wife Cathy and I have settled on what we believe to be the ten essential ingredients for building and maintaining a happy family.  Here they are presented in an “overview” form. For a more in-depth look at these issues, you may find my book (by the same name) helpful!

1.  Be there for your kids.
2.  Express affection, warmth and encouragement.
3.  Build healthy morals and values.
4.  Discipline with consistency.
5.  Ruthlessly eliminate stress.
6.  Communication is key.
7.  Play is necessary for a close-knit family.
8.  Love your spouse.
9.  Let your life reflect the understanding that the best things in life are not things.
10. Energize your family’s spiritual growth.

Prayer Power
LORD, I praise You as the perfect Father. Forgive me for the many ways I fall short of being a perfect parent. Teach me and those who read this message to apply the ten principles above. Bless our homes to be happy ones that glorify You. Thank you for Jim Burns and the HomeWord ministry. Bless them. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family – full article by Jim Burns

Blessings to be proactive to have a happy family!