Testimony of My Son and Accountability

27 Jun

A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal.

Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed. (Proverbs 27:5)

How do you hold someone accountable for action steps in a coaching relationship?

In yesterday’s devotional I shared about healthy accountability. Today I share how understanding this recently impacted Robbie (my son) and my relationship with him.

Several weeks ago while I was updating my website at www.yourdailyblessing.com, I re-read my devotional from January 23, 2007 titled “The Shema.” [www.yourdailyblessing.com/content.cfm?id=2056] When Robbie came downstairs at 8 a.m. to begin working for me later that morning, God opened the door for me to read that devotional to him along with part of Deuteronomy 6.

After that we went for a walk. During the first five minutes of our walk, I prayed with Robbie, applying the principles of Deuteronomy 6:6-9. When we got back home, Robbie told me he wanted to get in the habit of reading the Bible daily. But nothing changed in his habits.

On June 21, I listened to the CD from the Accelerated Coach Training (ACT) manual as part of my homework assignment for my group teleclass. Our weekly topic was healthy accountability.

The next morning (June 22) when Robbie and Tim Smith Jr came to work for me at 8 a.m., we began the work day with a devotional time. I chose to have them listen to about 5 minutes of Tony Stoltzfus’s message about healthy accountability.

The Holy Spirit then prompted me to ask Robbie and Tim to each share one spiritual goal they have. When Robbie said he’d like to get in the habit of reading the Bible daily, I asked him to make that a S.M.A.R.T. goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive).

Ultimately both Robbie and Tim gladly decided to read two chapters of the New Testament every day, beginning in the very first book – the Gospel of Matthew. By realizing that their goals needed to be voluntary, I allowed both of these young men to choose and define their own goals.

In the evening on June 23, Robbie came to let me know where he was going for the night. I asked him “Did you start reading two chapters of Matthew today?” When he told me “No,” I let that sit with him.

In the morning on June 25, before Robbie came to work for me, he voluntarily read six chapters of Matthew without me asking. We then spent about 30 minutes discussing this. When I asked Robbie what passage stood out the most, he gave a very touching answer. He has read two more chapters of Matthew each morning since and we’re discussing these together.

Prayer Power
Most gracious, heavenly Father, thank You for this spiritual breakthrough for Robbie. Teach the readers of this message how to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and bring people into their lives to hold them accountable in a healthy way. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals [http://www.topachievement.com/smart.html]

Blessings to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and then follow through with the help of healthy accountability!

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