Slowing Down to Pray (TBNTP)

13 Oct

The value of a contemplative life is character transformation.

“Listen now to my voice; I will give you counsel, and God will be with you.” (Exodus 18:19)

What is time to you?
Time is …

If you are involved in the marketplace, you are trained to believe that time is money. You don’t have to be in business to be over-committed. The pace of single working parents is double or triple that of the rest of us.

Where does the still, small voice of God fit into our hectic lives? When do we allow Him to lead and guide and correct and affirm? And if this seldom or never happens, how can we lead truly authentic Christian lives?

Authentic Christianity is not learning a set of doctrines and then stepping in cadence with people all marching the same way. It is a supernatural walk with a living, dynamic, communicating God. The heart and soul of the Christian life is learning to hear God’s voice and developing the courage to do what He tells us to do.

Authentic Christians are persons who stand apart from others, even other Christians, as though listening to a different drummer. Their character seems different, their ideas fresher, their spirit softer, their courage greater, their leadership stronger, their concerns wider, their compassion more genuine, their convictions more concrete. They are joyful in spite of difficult circumstances and show wisdom beyond their years.

Authentic Christians are full of surprises. They have strong relationships with the LORD – relationships that are renewed every day. Few Christians ever reach this level of authenticity; most Christians are just too busy. The archenemy of spiritual authenticity is busyness. A key ingredient in authentic Christianity is time.

Most people live unexamined lives. They repeat the same errors day after day. They don’t learn much from the decisions they make, whether they are good or bad. Three steps to RPM reduction are journaling, writing out your prayers, and listening to God. Strength comes from solitude. When you learn to listen to God, you will be able to listen to people.

Prayer Power
Abba, Father, thank You for using this book “Too Busy Not to Pray” to speak to me and bring me under conviction. Forgive me for taking on much more than I can possibly do. Teach me to say “No” much more often to things that are not of You. I surrender my schedule to You. Help me to learn from my errors to draw closer to You. May I work smarter, not harder. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
The Way of the Heart: Desert Spirituality and Contemporary Ministry – by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Blessings to slow down to pray!