Practical Parenting

24 Apr

It is of utmost importance to be united as parents in the area of discipline.

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7)

Which of the practical “do’s” below could help you or a parent you know the most?

In her book “The Positive Family,” Arvella Schuller shares these practical do’s that she learned from wiser and older parents.

1) Don’t forget Daddy! As kids come into the family, it’s easy for the mother to neglect the needs of her husband. But he must remain first because some day all the kids will leave the nest. Having weekly date nights is important.

2) Mothers need a “be-nice-to-me” day once a month with girlfriends to get away from all the interruptions for a while and return their healthy outlook on life.

3) A good reliable babysitter is a most important investment. Don’t be afraid to pay a little more money. As children get older, “trading” them with other families can be treats for children while allowing parents nights alone or away from home.

4) Enjoy each stage and age! How easy this is said, and how difficult to do. But believe it or not, children do grow up rapidly.

5) Learn to laugh at yourself and teach your children to laugh. Make your home a place of abundant joy.

6) Since there is no such person as “the perfect parent,”become a realistic, happy, “imperfect parent.” Let your children know you are not perfect. We see through a dark glass and have no idea how today’s mistakes may prove to be tomorrow’s blessings.

7) Dare to have distinctive rules in your home! Let each of your children know this is the case. For instance, the Schullers never gave their children automatic allowances. They expected their children to help with family “maintenance” (e.g. making their beds, picking up their clothes, taking turns helping with daily chores.) They believed conditioning their children in the “no-work, no eat” philosophy promoted healthy, highly motivated attitudes. Only for special jobs, did their children earn spending money.

8) Dare to discipline! Spanking our small children’s bare bottoms with bare hands reaffirmed who was boss and restored law and order. It is of utmost importance to be united as parents in the area of discipline.

9) Teach the positives! The most important ingredient we, as parents, need to teach our children is the difference between positive and negative thinking. Teach your children to believe in their ability. That can happen only when we, as parents, believe the best about our children.

Prayer Power
Loving Father, thank You for the Bible, which provides wonderful, unchanging counsel to shape each of  us to positively influence others. Before we, as parents, can lead our children, we must learn to lead ourselves. Help us to do that. Help us to understand and apply the practical “do’s” of parenting above. Teach parents to rely on godly counsel of wiser and older parents. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Link of the Day
Parenting with Dignity – teaches parents how to instill a sense of responsible decision making in their kids

Blessings to see God multiply these practical parenting tips in families across the world!

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