Multiplying America’s Rededication Across Virginia

02 Mar

We will only get one chance to celebrate America’s 400th Anniversary God’s way.

I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before me. (John 11:10b)

How will your church congregation celebrate America’s 400th Anniversary on April 29, 2007?

During our Pray Culpeper meeting on February 19, Virginia Morton suggested we encourage churches in Culpeper to have their own rededication celebrations on Sunday April 29 during their worship services. April 29 is the day the huge rededication celebration takes place in Virginia Beach.

On February 20 I shared Virginia’s idea at the monthly Culpeper Ministerial Association meeting. It was very well received by the pastors. The pastors were also encouraged to spread the word to their congregations about buying special commemorative crosses. Just imagine the impact if more than 1,000 people in Culpeper displayed these crosses in their yards stating “One nation under God, 1607- 2007.”

When I shared Virginia’s ideas on February 22 with Pastors Eugene Logan and Tim Shields, they immediately got excited and suggested something additional, namely having Christians from several church congregations meet together in downtown Culpeper on the afternoon of April 29 to walk down the streets of Culpeper formally dedicating the community to God.

As I watched enthusiasm grow and ideas expand, I thought how nice it would be if communities throughout Virginia would do similar things. Why not other states too?

When the English settlers first landed on America’s shore 400 years ago, they fasted and prayed for 3 days before planting a large cross and dedicating the land to Jesus Christ. Let’s agree to join together as the Body of Christ across America to do something similar. Let?s not let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass us buy. God wants to do something huge.
Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, we praise You as the God of supernatural multiplication. Take these ideas of planting commemorative crosses and having local rededication celebrations and multiply them in communities across Virginia and America. Wake Your people up to the tremendous opportunity before us. May we prepare Your way. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Link of the Day

Blessings to see your community rededicate America to God!

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