Move, Lord, Move

24 Nov

The open hand of GodMany people are living far below their potential. Their lives have become one struggle after another with seemingly nowhere to turn. Not only are financial struggles a major problem for people but also health concerns, and family pressures overwhelm them. Most people are living just to survive rather than thrive, feeling like they are close to going under. They have lost hope that things can and will get better.

But God … is moving in power.

Today at 7 pm EST. Donald Lee and Gary Beaton, two apostolic-prophetic leaders, will be sharing a life-changing, world-shaking message titled “The Open Hand of God.” As of 10:25 am EST today, 139 people have already registered for this webinar. We are praying and believing 500 people will pre-register by the time of the live webinar. Please join us in praying this Move, Lord, Move prayer!



After praying the Move, Lord, Move prayer with Pastor Lee, soak in this beautiful music.

JoAnn McFatter- Sapphire Sea


CLICK HERE to register for “The Open Hand of God” webinar.

Thank you for your prayers, devotion, and support. You are welcome to share this message with as many people as you like.

Blessings to see God move in power!

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