Minneapolis: This is a Time for Prayer!

03 Aug

“The Glory of life is NOT never falling, but rising every time you fall.”

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Where does this devotional find you today?  On a mountain-top of enthusiasm and hope, or in a valley of discouragement and despair?  Perhaps somewhere in between? 

In the past two years, Rick Heeren has had a greater impact on me in my faith walk than anyone else. At the beginning of July, Heeren Enterprises officially became a web client of mine. Since then, I have been meeting weekly with Rick and Rachel Heeren, Duane Davis, and Mary Olson. Much has been accomplished and uncommon ideas are being birthed.

Rick now has two new websites (www.rickheeren.org and www.CityMiracles.com). A week ago, he began sending an outstanding “daily” (3x/week) devotional. If you desire to see your city reached for Jesus, I highly recommend you visit www.citymiracles.com to sign up to receive the “City Miracles” devotional.

From 2-3 p.m. EST on Thursday August 9,  Rick will facilitate his very first webinar (online seminar). More details about that will follow early next week.

In his second devotional titled “City Miracles: The Influence of The Elk River Story,” Rick states “Perhaps the most startling paradigm shift happened when we realized that the Lord was going to perform the extraordinary miracle of bringing transformation to the entire nation through our hands.”

Needless to say, Satan and his demons aren’t pleased with the fact that my team is turbo-charging Rick Heeren’s communication to help him and the Harvest Evangelism team fulfill their destiny to transform communities across America. We both have experienced tremendous spiritual attacks.

I previously shared about attacks on my family. Then during evening rush hour traffic on August 1, the Interstate 35W bridge connecting Minneapolis and St. Paul collapsed, killing at least five with eight people still missing. When the 40-year old bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River, an estimated 60 cars plunged 50 or more feet toward the water.

Chuck Pierce, the head of the U.S. Global Apostolic Prayer Network, called Rick to say that this bridge collapse is to the state of Minnesota what Hurricane Katrina was to Louisiana – absolutely devastating. I learned this bridge was within one block of the flour mill mentioned in Rick’s third book “The Threshing Floor.”

Prayer Power
LORD, many things are happening that don’t make sense from our standpoint. In the midst of the storms, may we keep our eyes on Jesus. Help us to trust in You and lean not on our own understanding. We pray for mercy for all the victims and their families in the recent tragedy in Minnesota. Turn people heart’s toward you for wisdom in how best to respond. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Link of the Day
The Collapse of I-35 – Aug 2 devotional by Rick Heeren
Blessings to trust in the LORD and lean not on our own understanding!