Love Yourself

06 Jun

It is impossible to love others unless you love yourself.

“And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” (Matthew 22:39)

What daily choices do you make that show you love yourself?

My life slogan is “Blessed to be a blessing.” My life verse is the Greatest Commandment in which Jesus instructs us to love God with all our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus said “On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:40)

When I love God with all my heart, all my mind, all my soul, and all my strength, then loving myself and my neighbor becomes easy. So does fulfilling the Great Commission. When I fill myself up with Jesus through His Word and prayer, I find it impossible not to tell others about Him. That’s why I do these devotionals. I want the entire world to know Jesus and His love. Jesus is the answer to all the problems in the world, including yours.

What keeps us (including me) from loving God with all that we are? Busyness. The devil doesn’t have to get us to do anything bad to keep us from fulfilling our God-given destinies. All he has to do is keep us busy. Busyness keeps us from meditating on God’s Word and from life-changing prayer. Busyness hurts our relationships with other people. Busyness keeps us from being a good Samaritan when we pass by others in desperate need.

Each year since 2003, I have chosen a theme verse for the year. Before the 2007 year started, I asked God what He wanted my theme verse for 2007 to be. After watching the “Be Still” DVD on December 30, I immediately knew my theme verse for 2007 – “Be still and know” (Psalm 46:10). God told me clearly that is His message for the entire world!

O let the Holy Spirit speak to you right now!!! Listen to His voice! Obey Him! A breakthrough for you is just around the corner.

God promises that if you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him (Deut 4:29, Jer 29:13). God promises He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6). One day of favor from God is worth more than a lifetime of labor. God wants you to experience major breakthroughs in all areas of your life THIS YEAR. But there is a condition, “BE STILL!”

Prayer Power
Father God, forgive me for my pride in thinking I can change anything in my own strength. Forgive me for making commitments I can’t keep. Forgive me for putting things ahead of You. Take control of the reins. Be my Master! Be my LORD! Be my everything! Make me BE STILL! I surrender all! In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Link of the Day
“BE STILL” [] – Devotional on January 1, 2007

Blessings to love yourself by being still!