Healthy as Heaven in ’07

08 Jan

Health is when I’m free to be and do all that God designed for me!

Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. (Genesis 1:31)

Did you make a New Year’s resolution to start 2007?
Why not make your goal to be “healthy as heaven in ’07?”

Yesterday my pastor, Matt Gregory, preached an outstanding sermon titled “Healthy as Heaven in ’07.” This is going to be his topic for all of January. Matt’s very first sermon of 2007 is part of a larger series called “10 Essentials of Highly Healthy People,” based on Dr. Lawrimore’s book by that title. Walt Lawrimore, M.D., has been considered for many years to be “America’s Doctor” because of his national television and radio call-in programs.

What’s really neat is that Pastor Matt Gregory attended the very first “Healthy Virginia” meeting held in Culpeper on December 4, 2006. At that meeting, we heard God’s vision to make Virginia the healthiest state in the nation by the end of 2007. We began brainstorming to discuss what that might look like. It’s so nice when you and your pastor are in alignment with God’s assignment for your region.

Health is NOT good feelings, absence of pain, or solely physical. There’s so much more to it. Many people feel healthy, yet they are afraid to see a doctor for fear of what they may discover. They may be on the verge of an impending disaster and yet be completely unaware.

This week’s focus will be on health. Be sure to keep tuned!

Prayer Power
LORD I praise You as the God who heals (Exodus 15:26). Thank You for the Bible, which is the greatest source of healing and nutrition. Teach me and those who read these devotionals to be “healthy as heaven in ’07.” Open our eyes of understanding to what that really means. Bless us to manifest the ten essentials of highly healthy people. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
“10 Essentials of Highly Healthy People” – book by Walt Lawrimore, M.D.

Blessings to be truly healthy!

Not Used
• I’m thrilled that Matt has chosen to spend much of his time preaching in 2007 about what it means to be truly healthy. You don’t have to teach a child to grow; rather the child will grow if it is healthy. The same applies to each of us; we will be whole when we have balanced health.