God is Willing (TBNTP)

04 Oct

Our God is a giving God, a blessing God, a loving God!

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1)

Do you know that God wants you to pray for Him to bless you?

God doesn’t want to hear about my little problems. God would think I was selfish if I prayed for my own needs. God’s not in the business of taking care of me and I won’t ask him to do it. Have you ever made statements like these. If so, you’re not alone, but you’re tragically mistaken. Those statements are all based on a lie straight from hell – the lie that God doesn’t care about his children.

Jesus told his disciples a story to help them understand how God feels about our prayers. The story is recorded in Luke 18:2-5. A widow keeps pestering an unjust and uncaring judge until he finally gives in to her pleading. Jesus told this story to let us know we should always pray and never give up.

According to Jesus, this parable is a study in opposites. Unlike the widow, we are not poor, powerless, forgotten, and abandoned. Rather, we are God’s adopted sons and daughters. Unlike the judge in the story, our heavenly Father is righteous, just, holy, tender, responsive, and sympathetic. Psalm 34:8a says “taste and see that the LORD is good.”

God loves to bestow His blessings on His children. It’s who He is – a giving God, a blessing God, a loving God. It gives God great joy to bestow blessings and power on His children. This theme shows up over and over in the Bible (Leviticus 26:3-6, Deuteronomy 28:2-6, Romans 8:16-17, Matthew 7:9-11).

Jesus taught us to call God “Father”. The most repeated prayer in churches, the LORD’s prayer, begins with “Our Father.” Good fathers want to give good gifts to their children and so does our heavenly Father (Matthew 7:9-11). It pleases Him when we ask for those gifts.

Prayer Power
Abba, thank You that I am a child of God and can call You Father. Thank You for promising to make my life and my family a testimony of Your goodness and Your greatness as I put You first in all areas of my life. Bless me financially to be completely debt free soon. Use me as Your catalyst to make Carilion a model healthcare system for the world. Use me as Your catalyst to make Virginia the healthiest state in the nation. Use Jack Serra as your catalyst to bless marriages throughout Virginia. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Too Busy Not To Pray – Read the customer reviews

Blessings to pray knowing God is willing!

Your Daily Blessing News
Most of the content today and this week comes from Bill Hybel’s audio book “Too Busy Not to Pray.”

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