Sunday Inspiration: Do what you love

01 Jun

Earlier this week, I received an email from Russel Stauffer encouraging me to watch a video by Robin Sharma titled “The Superachiever’s Secret.” Robin’s message really resonated with me and what I am about. Robin says. “If you really want to get to world-class in your work and you really want to change the world, then you’ve got to do it for the love of your craft.”

I like what Jacques Cousteau said, “If you have the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, you have no right to keep it to yourself.

Last week my daughter Caren sent me a link to a music video she created called “When I’m gone.” I found that so inspirational and was delighted to see Caren using her creative gift.


Two days ago I stumbled across another of Robin’s videos called “How to Wake Up Early.” That was so good. Robin describes the value of joining “The 5 AM club” (i.e., getting up at 5 AM each morning). Robin says the three golden hours are 5-8 AM because you can often get more done in those three hours than in the rest of the day. He says emphatically, “Win the battle of the bed!” The things that you schedule are the things that get done.


I agree with Robin. For several years, I have been going to bed early and getting up around 5 am. Like Robin, I have found that often I get more done in the first few hours of my morning than during the rest of my day.

Unlike Robin, I typically reserve at least the first hour of my morning to meet with God. This is my most important meeting of the day. This is where I recharge my batteries and get prepared to greet my day with love. This is where I receive my marching orders for the day to focus on the purposes of God. When I skip this time, my days do not go as well. Here is a message I heard from the Lord on March 24, 2014:

Thank you Joseph for choosing to invest your first fruits of time with Me to help you get your day off to a good start. As your influence grows, so will the demands on your life. I have you teaching the I Was Busy, Now I’m Not coaching program month after month to remind you of what is important to steward your time. You have been taking massive action, but you must never forget to let your yes be yes. How you keep your sacred time and sacred place is the best indicator of how busy you are. This is your most important daily habit. Another important indicator is keeping the Sabbath holy. And a third habit is daily exercise. Learn to say no much more often. You can help people the most by coaching them, even if only one session. You do not have to do the work for them.

For me, passion is rarely ever an issue. I am doing what I love – coaching people to live their dreams and leverage their time. A coaching client of mine told me this week, “I am desperate to get my mojo (passion) back.”

My question for you is, “Are you doing what you love?” And if not, “What changes can you make to move in that direction?”

Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

Living Big / Mastering Your Life webinar (video) replay

Blessings to do what you love and lead an extraordinary life!

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