And a Child Shall Lead Them…

21 Mar

“If you live for the next world, you get this one in the deal: but if you live only for this world, you lose them both.” – C. S. Lewis

You will save the humble people; but Your eyes are on the haughty, that You may bring them down. (2 Samuel 22:28)

Have you ever prayed for humility?
In what ways can you be more humble at home and at work?

Today is Good Friday, a day the Body of Christ around the world commemorates the death of Jesus Christ. That may well have been the most humbling day in the history of the world, especially for the followers of Jesus.

On Palm Sunday (March 16), the Holy Spirit spoke the word “humility” to me. Then the next day, I had a phone conversation with someone who subscribes to this devotional warning me to stay humble.

Yesterday morning after listening to my scheduled iTunes playlist for Day #20, I came downstairs to journal. The first thing I typed was “Your branding is your business – Epiphany Marketing.” That led me to do a google search using ‘ “epiphany marketing” johnson ‘ which led me to Michael Pink’s blog. There I found 2 amazing articles about humility – “And a Child Shall Lead Them” and “The Power of Talent With Humility.” The Holy Spirit immediately prompted me to share Michael’s message in this devotional. Here it is:

Have you ever noticed how we automatically and subconsciously put up our walls when a person comes across in a prideful or arrogant way? Just the opposite seems to be true when a powerful force comes across in a humble package.

I am beginning to think that this thing about being created in the image of God may also include carrying some of His preferences. I know we are fallen people, redeemed by Christ. I know we have a sinful nature, but I also think that we still have built in us, at least the potential to appreciate and value and be drawn to the virtues God values. Even if we don’t know the Lord. There is something in most, if not all of us, that wants the character of God. There’s a hunger for His authenticity. The video link I sent you last week of Paul Potts was a great picture of that truth as the audience was enthralled with an authenticity that lacked glitz but carried power.

As if you needed further evidence of the pure touching even the heart of the most calloused, take a look at this 6 year old hitting the national stage in Britain.

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To me it speaks of how much people at some level want something pure, something good, something wholesome. It’s another picture of what happens when you combine talent with humility. Something wonderful happens. Let’s humble ourselves while mastering our gifts and watch where God takes us!

Prayer Power
LORD Jesus, on this Good Friday, we say thank You for paying a debt we could never pay – for paying the ultimate price and giving Your best that we might have eternal life through You. Holy Spirit, guide my steps to keep me humble as I traverse this life as Your vessel. Shape me, mold me as You would see fit. Have Your way. Thy will be done. Amen.

Link of the Day
6 year old hitting the national stage in Britain – highly inspirational YouTube video [see above]Blessing to be humble before God and man!

2 Responses to “And a Child Shall Lead Them…”

  1. Nancy Broadbent August 1, 2012 at 1:47 pm #

    If you live for the next world, you get this one in the deal. But if you live for this world, you lose them both. –C.S. Lewis …

    Would you happen to know the source document for this quote? I’m trying to locate it for a pastor preparing a sermon. Thanks!

  2. Dr. Joseph Peck August 4, 2012 at 6:07 pm #

    Thank you Nancy for your comment. I’m sorry I don’t know the source document for the quote. If you do an extensive internet search, you may be able to find it. Blessings, Joseph

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