A Look, A Word, and a Touch

18 Apr

Kids are asking for their parents to listen.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)

How well do you know your family?

Communication does not just happen automatically in a family, especially not today, when all kinds of interruptions and intrusions on our privacy complicate communications between each other. When we close the door to our home, we are no longer shutting out the rest of the world. The largest obstacles to communication in modern homes may well be the television set, the computer, and the cell phone.

A POSITIVE LOOK: When there is no time for talk, we must learn quickly the all-important lesson that a positive look, and I-am-proud-of-you look, can make or break a day. Husbands, wives, children, and our world all cry out for this wordless in-depth communication. When too much of a negative emotion continues to show, it is time to take a serious look at a child’s friends, habits, regular television programs, and even in his room or favorite desk drawer.

It’s important to look each other directly in the eye. Direct eye contact establishes the fact that we expect honesty and sincerity in return.

A POSITIVE WORD: One of the sad statistics of our society is that family dinners at home are fast disappearing. My parents always made meal time a priority. When they celebrated their 50th anniversary, several of their grandchildren commented on the value of this. When my daughter got her driver’s license, the judge commented that kids who have regular meals with their parents are much less likely to get into trouble.

In addition to meal time, bedtime is an important time for communication, including short devotions and prayers. Scheduling family vacations during the year is valuable for in-depth talking. Staying at a place without TV, computers, and telephone opens time for reflection and communication.

Children are asking for parents to listen. They have things they want to share. Kids need to hear their parents tell them over and over again “I love you,” “I’m proud of you,” “I’ll back you all the way.”

A POSITIVE TOUCH: Without a look, without a word, the touch isn’t very effective. It is hard to over emphasize the tremendous importance of the loving touch. Teenagers, adolescents, tiny children, husbands, and wives, are all begging for positive loving communication. “Look at me. Look and see what I’m really like.”

The basic problem with the American family today is that we’ve stopped looking, we’ve stopped talking, and we’ve stopped touching. If we are to heal the hurts of our nation, let’s begin with the family.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for allowing me to grow up in a positive family environment. Thank You that my family enjoys being together. Help heal the emotional and spiritual wounds of those who suffered from many negative memories during their childhood. Help us to communicate within our families with a postive look, a positive word, and a positive touch. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Link of the Day
Big Dreams on a Small Budget [http://www.family.org/marriage/A000001858.cfm]

Blessings to communicate with a positive look, a positive word, and a positive touch!

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• www.positivefamilies.com