A Huge Transition In Power And Wealth Is Taking Place

13 Nov

There is a huge transition in power and wealth taking place from the corporate and large non-profit arenas to the entrepreneurs.

“So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.” (Matthew 20:16)

What are you doing to prepare for the famine that is coming?

About a year ago, I listened to a BlogTalkRadio show with Erik Olson. I don’t remember what his primary topic was supposed to be that day, but Erik ended up talking about something much different for the first half hour or so of his show.

Erik said that over the next ten years there will be a huge transition in power and wealth from the corporate arena to the entrepreneurs.

Shortly after hearing Erik’s message, the United States experienced the major economic downturn in September 2008. I realized then that what Erik was talking about also applied to lare non-profit organizations and even mega-churches.

As I was watching TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) early this morning, I saw they were doing a praise-athon raising money to support their world-wide ministry. While TBN has had a profound and positive impact for Jesus around the world over the past 30 years or so, the paradigm for affordable communication has changed to social media (Web 2.0).

During a conversation with Bob Sims earlier this year, he told me he saw a vision of large boat (e.g. aircraft carrier) out in the ocean being shot at. It couldn’t change direction fast enough to avoid the attack. However, there were many small boats nearby that could easily change direction and flee from harm. Also, they were so small they were not detected by the enemy.

Bob says that bloggers are going to change the world, most of which are nameless and faceless as far as big media is concerned.

God is rapidly transitioning us to a church model similar to the book of Acts. Home churches (LIFE groups) are becoming much more influential.

Tomorrow I will share about TRIBES and tribe leaders. It’s tribes that matter now.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, we praise You as the God who calms the seas in the midst of the storms to save our boats. We know we are living in very turbulent times. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus to stay afloat. Help us, guide us to prepare for the great famine that is coming. I cry out, “Lord, have mercy.” In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Blessings to prepare for the great famine that is coming!

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