A Fresh Perspective

03 Oct

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. – Albert Einstein

Do not overwork to be rich; Because of your own understanding, cease! (Proverbs 23:4)

What can I do this week to gain a fresh perspective?
Before I die, where would I like to go on vacation?

Julia and I got back late yesterday evening from our 8 day vacation at Lake Tahoe. The scenery was spectacular. The condo where we stayed was one of the nicest we have ever rented. The people were so friendly. Our time spent together was priceless. We got plenty of rest and exercise. We’ll have photos online by Oct 6.

Going away to a new place on a relaxing vacation allows one the opportunity to gain a whole new perspective – to reflect on what’s important and what’s not – to reflect on what’s working and what’s not. It’s a chance to spend lots of quality time with the most important person or people in your life – away from the everyday distractions of managing a home and running a business.

When I worked as a full-time anesthesiologist at Culpeper Hospital from 1987-1999, my benefits included 8 weeks of vacation per year. While that may seem like a lot to most of you, most anesthesia groups recognize the importance of stepping away from work on a regular basis in a high stress job where you deal with people’s lives on a daily basis. One surgeon I knew didn’t take a vacation in more than 12 years and subsequently underwent a very bitter divorce.

In the United States, the typical worker has only 2 weeks of vacation per year. Compare this with 4 weeks in Europe. In the U.S., about 70% of families are two income families. Many families are separated geographically. What are the end results? Unhealthy people and unhealthy families. Busy, unexamined lives. Poor relationships. Idol worship (money, possessions).

In July 1999, I left Culpeper Hospital because I was determined to have a change in my life – to get out of the rat race. A year and a half later, I committed my life to Christ, the most important decision of my life. For God to really work in my life, I needed to create margin. That applies to you too, each and every day. If you want to see God do really big things in your life – you need margin.

What can I do to create more time and financial margin in my life?

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, I don’t profess to have my act altogether, but I am very grateful for how You have worked in my life to draw me near to You. Thank You for working in my life to allow lots of time to spend with You nearly every day. Thank You for the time I have to reflect. Help me to make good choices to create adequate time and financial margin in my life so You can be first in all areas of my life. Bless my readers to do likewise. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Welcome to A Fresh Perspective [www.getafreshperspective.com]

Blessings to plan and take the time to gain a fresh perspective!